[Hot Dog, Canine Defender of the Innocent]
[SeaLeft Studios]

[Cedric Dubois] Cedric Dubois

[Cedric Dubois]

Name: Cedric Dubois
Occupation: Hot Dog Street Vendor
First Appearance: Hot Dog weekly strip #3

The walrus Cedric Dubois runs a little portable hot dog stand, moving from park to park in Gray Lassie. Cedric and his stand are a welcome sight and he has many contacts throughout the city.

During a condiment crisis sparked by the nefarious Mister Mustard, Cedric had the fortune to see longtime friend and customer Frank Retruf become the super-canine Hot Dog. Now Cedric is the only one who knows Hot Dog's alter identity.

Cedric is married to a woman named Claire. The two are expecting their first child soon.

Cedric was created to fill a hole in the Hot Dog weekly strip. The weekly strip tells the origin story of how Frank Retruf became Hot Dog, which places it chronologically before Hot Dog, Canine Defender of the Innocent issue #1. Since Hot Dog doesn't meet Vinny the Snitch, his informant, until issue #1, it meant that Vinny couldn't be used in the weekly strip.

Cedric was introduced into the weekly strip as Frank's friend to give Frank someone to talk to. This was necessary so that the case could be discussed between two characters instead of just occurring as a monologue inside Frank's head.

Copyright © 2003-2024 by Richard Hoover. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.