[SeaLeft Studios]

[Heather Flighty] Heather Flighty

[Heather Flighty]

Name: Heather Flighty
Occupation: Stewardess
First Appearance: Cubes semimonthly strip #136

Heather Flighty is a stewardess serving in one of the City of Gray Lassie's airlines. This rabbit also has an interest in creative writing, although she's found a greater talent in editing the works of others than writing her own original material.

On a return trip to Gray Lassie, while on duty, she encountered Max Tomson returning from a symposium. Max was working on a novel of his own, that Heather provided a quick critique on. The two continued to see one another after the flight and Max invited Heather as his date to the wedding of Karen Andinus and Gareth Flect, much to the dismay of both Christie Holt and Hope Calers, who each believed herself to be Max's date.

Heather was introduced into the Cubes semimonthly comic with the intention of providing a character who would understand Max Tomson's writing endeavours. To date this particular story thread remains undeveloped.

Copyright © 2003-2024 by Richard Hoover. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.