[SeaLeft Studios]

Cubes - Issue 8
Loves Labour


One of the earliest ideas I had when I was first starting the Cubes semimonthly strip was that Frank Retruf's super hero alter ego -- Hot Dog, Canine Defender of the Innocent -- could be featured in a fashion similar to Clark Kent/Superman. Over the years it's proven quite difficult to incorporate Hot Dog into the comic strip because there's so much backstory that comes with that. Even after having Ralph Black learn Frank's secret and having Hope Calers herself transformed into a super hero, it's been difficult to deal with.

As the Cubes semimonthly comic prepares to enter its thirteenth year, a big focus in that year will be on Frank and Hope and the super hero side of their lives. In order to tell that story, though, it's necessary to get a few other pieces into play. Thus we come to this latest full length Cubes comic. Watch for the story to continue in the semimonthly strip in the weeks and months to come!

-Richard Hoover (September 2017)
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Copyright © 2003-2024 by Richard Hoover. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.